About Us
Professional Mastermind Boards For Business Owners and Presidents
Renaissance EXECUTIVE FORUMS NJ is an organization whose focus is the “Top Executive” of small and medium sized businesses. Our programs are designed to get these Executives and their Key Managers from where they are to where they want to be, both personally and professionally.
We are New Jersey’s oldest and largest Mastermind advisory board organization for business owners and presidents chaired continuously by one person: Jim Neidhardt has owned and led this organization since 1997.
Members join Renaissance EXECUTIVE FORUMS NJ to gain advice, support, and insight from non-competitive peer members who face the same challenges they do.
We are a membership organization that invites qualified business leaders from small and medium businesses (SMB’s) to participate in one of the following forums:
Talent Management and Diagnostics
Learning, Growing and Sharing through Renaissance EXECUTIVE FORUMS NJ can also benefit an entire organization through participation in other strategic programs designed to establish alignment among the key members of the organization, improve hiring retention success, improve the overall culture, and propel the business forward.
Where does Renaissance EXECUTIVE FORUMS NJ operate out of? Click Here